Pediatric Chiropractic

Get in touch with Dr. Thomas Godfrey of Synergy Sport & Spine if your child needs pediatric chiropractic care in Henderson, NV.

What Are the Benefits of Pediatric Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic treatment can address chronic pain, reduced flexibility, and numerous other symptoms commonly associated with musculoskeletal issues. Chiropractic treatment is also superior to the alternatives because it addresses the underlying causes of our injuries.

While it’s easy to grasp how chiropractic care can help adults, you may not know about the benefits it can present to kids. Now is as good a time as any to learn about those benefits.

Chief among the benefits of pediatric chiropractic care is promoting proper physical development. Your child’s chiropractor can identify issues, such as scoliosis,  that could adversely affect your child’s growth. After diagnosing those issues, your chiropractor can administer the necessary adjustments and eliminate them. Chiropractic care's positive impact on sleep quality can also foster healthy development.

Parents should also take an interest in pediatric chiropractic care because it helps prevent injuries. Kids can overexert themselves because they don’t know about the risks involved in certain activities. Dr. Godfrey is a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician and can assist growing teens with workout recovery.

As soon as kids start school, they also become more vulnerable to stress. Their regular appointments at the chiropractic clinic can help keep their stress levels low. 

During your child’s appointments with the chiropractor, they can also learn about healthy diet and exercise habits. They can use those pointers to stay in good condition.

Schedule your child’s pediatric chiropractic care sessions in Henderson, NV, with Dr. Godfrey of Synergy Sport & Spine.

What Is the Experience of Receiving Chiropractic Care for Your Child?

Even if you find the benefits of pediatric chiropractic care highly intriguing, you may still be hesitant to sign your child up. You may be concerned that chiropractic treatment can have adverse effects on your child. It’s important to note that those concerns are understandable but unwarranted.

An experienced chiropractor can change how they administer treatment to ensure your child remains comfortable throughout the session. The adjustments used are gentle on developing bodies.

Many kids also enjoy chiropractic treatment because it provides a pleasant experience. The actual treatment is painless, and your child can remain at ease while it takes place. As your child matures, their treatment sessions can also be modified based on their needs.

Call 702-816-5111 and book pediatric chiropractic care appointments in Henderson, NV, with Dr. Godfrey of Synergy Sport & Spine.


601 Whitney Ranch Dr C-12,
Henderson, NV 89014






9:30 am - 5:30 pm


7:00 am - 1:00 pm


9:30 am - 5:30 pm


7:00 am - 1:00 pm


7:00 am - 12:00 pm



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